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Area[] function gives error messages when using a ParametricRegion[] function

Posted 23 days ago


In using the Area[] function in conjunction with the ParametricRegion[] function to define the region, I get error messages. I would like to check the answer that I calculated using Green's Theorem by using the Area[] function. However, even after reading the documentation and trying several different configurations, all I end up with is error messages - see last entry in attached notebook.

Any help would be appreciated because I really would like to learn how to use the Area[] function.


Mitch Sandlin

POSTED BY: Mitchell Sandlin
Posted 23 days ago

You have two problems. First, the form of your region. You have this:

ParametricRegion[{Cos[t]*(Sin[4 t] + 2), Sin[t]}, {t, 0, 2 \[Pi]}]

ParametricRegion isn't like Table where you have an iterator. That last term should be a list of variables. When you want to restrict the variables to a specific range, then you specify that range with its own list. So, you should have some thing like this:

ParametricRegion[{Cos[t]*(Sin[4 t] + 2), Sin[t]}, {{t, 0, 2 \[Pi]}}]

The second problem is that this correctly formatted region isn't a 2D region. It's a 1D region. It's just the boundary of the region you want the area of. So, if you take the area of the corrected ParametricRegion, you'll get Undefined

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
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