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slow response from forum pages

Posted 11 years ago

I am finding that the forum pages are very slow to open and very slow to register questions and replies. By slow I mean on the order of 10 seconds. This is by far the slowest web site that I regularly use, but I'm afraid I may have to give it up, because I just don't have the time. Is any one else experiencing this?

I hope it can be fixed, because responses that do get through have been very helpful.

POSTED BY: Gary Palmer
7 Replies
Posted 11 years ago

I cleared everything. The site window came up within a second, but the sign in went away for 10 seconds before opening this forum page.

POSTED BY: Gary Palmer

Mathematica itself uses 2 Kernels (one for computation and I think the other one is for things like the predictive interface and so on). So if you are running both Mathematica and the CDFPlayer you will have 4 Kernels running. 16 Gig should be way more than enough. Perhaps try clearing caches and Wolfram-related cookies?

POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 11 years ago

It still feels slow compared to other sites, but I may have found part of the problem. I realized that I was only using the forum when I had a Mathematica scripting problem, and of course that happens at times when I am making heavy use of Mathematica and/or the CDF Player. I checked my activity monitor and found four separate instances of Mathkernel. I killed them all and found that the forum responsiveness was better. But I just checked again and the kernels are all back, so I don't know. It could be a memory problem, but I have 16GB of RAM.

POSTED BY: Gary Palmer
Posted 11 years ago

Just now it took me three seconds to get the sign on dialog. Then another couple of seconds for the return to this page. That's pretty fast for this site. I'm on OS X with a late 2009 dual core Intel iMac and Firefox.

POSTED BY: Gary Palmer

For me it used to be very much slower--about 15 seconds or more to load. It sped up in the late month or so and, for me, takes about a second for its initial loading. I wonder whether it is OS and/or browser-specific. I am on OSX and Safari, but see the on second load time on Firefox and Chrome as well these days. Before it was painfully slow.

POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 11 years ago

Done, as per @Sean's suggestion.

POSTED BY: Gary Palmer

I've found that the Community site can be slow at times as well. It might have to do with maintenance. The site is definitely not its final form and there are being changes made to it, so hopefully the response times pick up

If you would like to send this directly to the Community team, please click the Feedback button on the right side of the page. This is the best way to ensure that the team in charge of the site sees this.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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