Some example for you. Sorry I don't have time to explain.
Series approach
(* match expression to c Tan[k t + ArcTan[a]] == c(a+Tan[k t])/(1-a Tan[k t]) via Series *)
tanSumReduce // ClearAll;
tanSumReduce[expr : _. _Tan] := expr; (* skip k*Tan[x] *)
tanSumReduce[expr_] := With[{arg = Cases[expr, Tan[x_] :> x, Infinity]},
Module[{c, a, k, paramsol, t},
paramsol = SolveAlways[
c (a + Tan[k t])/(1 - a Tan[k t]) -
(expr /. First@arg -> t), {t, 0, 3}] == 0, t];
{e_ /; Length@paramsol > 0 :>
With[{res = c Tan[k*First@arg + ArcTan@a] /. Last@paramsol},
res /; Simplify[res - expr] === 0]}
] /; Length[arg] > 0];
Assuming[2 Pi < dtheta < 3 Pi,
FullSimplify[ArcTan[(1 - Sin[dtheta/2])/Cos[dtheta/2]],
TransformationFunctions -> {Automatic, tanSumReduce}]
(* 1/4 (-dtheta + \[Pi]) *)
Differential equations approach
One needs to specify the independent variable. It is not deduced automatically.
(* match c Tan[k t + t0] via D[y'[k t]/c/k==(y[k t]/c)^2+1, t] *)
tanReduce // ClearAll;
tanReduce[v_][expr_] := Module[{y, v0, amp, freq, sign},
y[Pattern[Evaluate[v], _]] = expr;
amp = Sqrt@Simplify[y[v] (2 y'[v]^2 - y''[v] y[v])/y''[v]];
v0 = ArcTan[y[0]/amp];
freq =
Sqrt@Simplify[y''[v] (2 y'[v]^2 - y''[v] y[v])/(4 y[v] y'[v]^2)];
sign = Sign[Limit[y'[v], v -> (v0)/freq]];
amp*Tan[sign*freq*v + v0] /;
Simplify[y[v] - amp*Tan[sign*freq*v + v0]] === 0
Simplify[ArcTan[(1 - Sin[dtheta/2])/Cos[dtheta/2]], 0 < dtheta < Pi,
TransformationFunctions -> {Automatic, tanReduce[dtheta]}]
(* 1/4 (-dtheta + \[Pi]) *)