Hi guys,
How do I create an interface layout using Panel / Pane / Grid / whatever that never extends beyond the visible notebook window on the screen?
I can better explain with pictures. I've created a Panel with a Grid and sized my notebook window so that the entire panel is visible:

Now, I resize my notebook window and made it considerably wider. The bottom part of the panel is no longer visible:

I'd like create the interface to expand horizontally and vertically as the notebook window is resized (horizontally and vertically), but to stop resizing vertically if it means it will get cropped.
Here's the closest I've gotten, but there are instances where the interface doesn't behave "the right way" to the bottom of the notebook window:
Pane[Plot[Sin[x], {x, 1, 2 Pi}],
ImageSize -> {Full, {Automatic,
WindowSize][[2]] - 150}}