Hi David,
Execute the following in the notebook in quesiton:
{AutoGeneratedPackage -> Automatic,
InitializationCellEvaluation -> False,
InitializationCellWarning -> False,
StyleDefinitions ->
Notebook[{Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]],
Cell[StyleData["Input"], InitializationCell -> True]},
Visible -> False,
StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"]}
Alternatively (I assuem that you are programming in Input cells rather than Code cells), do the following:
Edit the notebook's StyleSheet to modify the Input cell style to make it always an Initialization cell.
Then via the Option Inspector for that notebook with its scope set to Selected Notebook set the following options:
AutoGeneratedPackage -> Automatic,
InitializationCellEvaluation -> False,
InitializationCellWarning -> False
These details are also contained in a small introductory tutorial that I wrote up a while ago and which I've posted before: I am attaching it here for reference...