Here are two that I want to plot on the same set of axes.
PopValue = {273.8, 126.8, 178.1, 201.9, 151.4, 159.0, 183.5, 126.5,
145.2, 85.0, 164.3, 328.1, 155.7, 127.4, 194.2, 161.2, 129.0,
112.8, 137.9, 147.0, 113.2, 157.5, 135.7, 134.2};
ListPlot[PopValue, Joined -> True, AxesLabel -> {"Year", "Birds"},
AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}]
nMax = 23;
p0 = 273.8;
pOneSim = Table[0, {n, 0, nMax}];
pOneSim[[1]] = p0;
Do[pOneSim[[n]] =
RandomReal[NormalDistribution[0.59, 0.12]]*pOneSim[[n - 1]] +
RandomReal[NormalDistribution[63.6, 52.4]], {n, 2, nMax + 1}];
pPoints = Table[{n - 1, pOneSim[[n]]}, {n, 1, nMax + 1}];
ListPlot[pPoints, Joined -> True, AxesLabel -> {"Years", "Birds"}]
Thank you.