I guess I should state that Mathematica is doing it right. Truncation error is not avoidable with finite precision arithmetic. As for the problem at hand, there are a couple of things that seem to be amiss.
(1) Create the augmented matrix {A|b]
correctly. This can be done with M = Join[A, List /@ b, 2]
. Your version transposes A
in the process.
(2) Now just use RowReduce
on it. No inverses, no multiplications.
Here is an example.
aA = Table[RandomReal[], {i, 3}, {j, 3}]
b = Table[RandomReal[], {i, 3}]
mat = Join[aA, List /@ b, 2]
rred = RowReduce[mat]
Out[434]= {{0.0777960697813, 0.556265936296,
0.807681686834}, {0.527982841158, 0.555876762387,
0.981090055861}, {0.907596678267, 0.364390115148, 0.722450567448}}
Out[435]= {0.420186553434, 0.1560084863, 0.13002033209}
Out[436]= {{0.0777960697813, 0.556265936296, 0.807681686834,
0.420186553434}, {0.527982841158, 0.555876762387, 0.981090055861,
0.1560084863}, {0.907596678267, 0.364390115148, 0.722450567448,
Out[437]= {{1, 0., 0., 0.415692234671}, {0, 1, 0., 4.46163163168}, {0,
0, 1, -2.59261340179}}
Check that this agrees with LinearSolve
(I assume that was the purpose).
rred[[All, -1]] == LinearSolve[aA, b]
Out[438]= True