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CDFPlayer continued development?

Posted 11 years ago

This is a big question, but just wondered if anyone had any thoughts about the continued development of the CDFPlayer? I have been very thankful that I have been able to share Mathematica documents with my students. I wish they could all HAVE Mathematica, but there never seems to be funding for that.

I just wondered if the release of Mathematica online would have any impact or implications for the continued support of the free player?

POSTED BY: Tom De Vries
3 Replies
Posted 11 years ago

HI, thanks for responding. Is it completely not working, or just an error message. In the past, the release of the new version took a few weeks after the release of Mathematica. My students could still open files I created in the newer version of Mathematica, but they got a "possible compatibility issue" message.

But , that's why I haven't ungraded my version of Mathematica yet.


POSTED BY: Tom De Vries

Have a scan back on the Wolfram CDF player forum - it wasn't my post but I came across it.

POSTED BY: William Stewart

Scanning back a few days I find ....

"Current CDF Player 9.0.1 Does Not Work With Mathematica 10.0.1!"

This is all very disturbing to the thousands of CDF users. I think it's concerning there is no roadmap - we are just asked to believe in some cloud cased solution that involves charging. Wolfram need to be much clearer about what is going on or I am afraid we will see a mass migration away from these products.

POSTED BY: William Stewart
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