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How To Connect To Google API Services?

I see there is a connector for Google Plus.

However, normally if you oAuth to any Google services you can also query other APIs you have enabled billing for in your account.

I would like to query Prediction API models that I have built and use the data to cross compare accuracies with Wolfram Classify functions.

Any way to do this?

POSTED BY: David Johnston
8 Replies

Awesome. This will be especially helpful for mobile apps and Gamers in addition to those building enterprise software like us.

There are so many google API's though that is seems very efficient to create something that allows users to at least specify the url end point like a GET request and then in the background convert that to the appropriate oAuth 2.0 POST request that google requires.

POSTED BY: David Johnston
POSTED BY: Bob Sandheinrich

I second that. Almost all the major social networks along with API platforms are supporting oAuth. I hate tokens and refresh tokens and all of that stuff. It makes it too error prone to custom code every connection.

POSTED BY: David Johnston

I want this also.


POSTED BY: David Johnston

I am looking at this and thinking: "Wow this should be easy for WL to create a simple function to take care of this."

I just want access to Google API's and running down a million rabbit trails is getting me no where. I don't want to access user info. I just want to connect to my own API's.

POSTED BY: David Johnston


POSTED BY: David Johnston
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