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Errors for DIV, CURL, Torroidal coordinates

Posted 11 years ago

Hi, guru. I see errors for vector's functions in Torroidal coordinates (ver., for instance - Devergence:

enter image description here

That is wrong? P.S. Vector Analysis (ver.8) worked correctly.

POSTED BY: Vladimir
3 Replies
Posted 10 years ago

David, thanks. I've do it. The first advice was to install 10 ver. Indeed, "CoordinateTransform" work correctly in 10ver. But Div & Curl produce error result still. Developers will study.

POSTED BY: Vladimir

If you believe that this is indeed an bug (I haven't checked it) I hope you send it in as a bug report so that the Wolfram folks will add it to their bugs database so it will get fixed ;-)

POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 11 years ago

Dear collegue. This error valid for Ver.10. too.

Correct Dvergence (Div) and Rotor (Curl) for Torroidal Coordinates you can see in file: but you don't use it, so it's for old vertions.

POSTED BY: Vladimir
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