Hello, I have a school subject Mathematica. I have this code. Could I ask, how do I make the numbers? The numbers will be written into the frame A.
Thank you for the advice :)
DynamicModule[{a = 0, b = 0},
Transpose[{{Style["A", Red], Style["B", Red],
"here is their sum", "their difference",
"their product"}, {InputField[Dynamic[a], Number],
InputField[Dynamic[b], Number],
InputField[Dynamic[a + b], Enabled -> False],
InputField[Dynamic[a - b], Enabled -> False],
InputField[Dynamic[a b], Enabled -> False]}}],
Alignment -> Right], ImageMargins -> 10],
DefaultOptions -> {InputField -> {ContinuousAction -> True,
FieldSize -> {{5, 30}, {1, Infinity}}}}]]
Table[With[{b = b},
Button[b, predpisFce = predpisFce <> b, Alignment -> Center,
Appearance -> "Pressed"]], {b, {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6",
"7", "8", "9", "0"}}],
Style["Cisla ", Italic, Bold]]