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Trouble viewing Step-by-Step solutions

Posted 10 years ago

I have a WA account and use the step-by-step solutions often. I am not sure why but I am having troubles seeing the window when it appears. If I click to see one step at a time I can see the steps, until I get to the last one. The last one causes the window to appear in a way I cannot see all of the text. I have attached a screen shot of what appears. I hope someone has a solution!! Thanks all. enter image description here

POSTED BY: Scott Gamm
2 Replies
Posted 10 years ago

Thanks Sean, I tried to use both Firefox and Google chrome. I usually have no issues with either browser. What I ended up doing was restarting my computer and starting fresh. I wish I had a better solution for someone else with a similar issue, but this is what I found.

POSTED BY: Scott Gamm

I think I've seen this before. It's an issue specific to a certain browser. Do you see it with all the browsers on your computer? If not, which ones?

The Wolfram|Alpha team would be the best people to contact about this. You can contact them on the feedback form on the Wolfram|Alpha page or at:

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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