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How should the word problem described bellow be posed to get an answer?

Posted 11 years ago

How should the following word problem be posed to get an answer. I list things I tried (among others):

 1. For 12K you get 48kg flour. How much you get for 1K?
 2. For 12$ you get 48 kg of flour. How much you get for 1$?
 3. For 12$ you get 48 kg of flour. How much flour you get for 1$?
 4. For 48 kg of flour you pay 12$. How much flour you get for 1$?
 5. For 12$ you get 48 cakes. How many cakes you get for 1$?
 6. For 12 USD you get 48 kg of flour. How much you get for 1 USD?
POSTED BY: Matija Lokar
3 Replies

Wolfram|Alpha can handle certain specific word problems. Please see the example page for some examples:

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

How about simply:

(48 kg / $12)  $1
POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 11 years ago

I wanted to show to a group of math teachers the capabilities of Alpha in solving word problems ...

POSTED BY: Matija Lokar
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