Hi guys, I have a problem in showing dynamics of the solution of difference equation of first order. I would like to show, if the solution is converging or diverging based on parameters.
I have some results, however the dynamics is not showing correctly. I enclose the figure - red solid line shows how it should look like. The grey upside downs show the wrong solution from the code.
Anyone knows how to fix it?
Thanks a lot!
Here I provide you with code
d3[a_, b_, y_] := a*y + b;
s[y_] := y;
result =
p[k] /. First[
RSolve[{p[k + 1] == -d/b (p[k]) + (a - c)/b, p[1] == n},
p[k], k]]], {k, 1, nn}]]];
GraphicsGrid[{{Plot[{a - b p, c + d p}, {p, 0, 20} ,
PlotRange -> {0, 30},
PlotStyle -> Directive[{Thickness[.01], Gray}],
AxesLabel -> {Style["p", Italic], Style["q", Italic]},
PlotLabel -> "Demand and Supply", AxesOrigin -> {0, 0},
Ticks -> None,
Epilog -> {{Gray, Thin,
Partition[Riffle[result, s[c, d, #] & /@ result], 2],
Rest[Partition[Riffle[result, d3[a, b, #] & /@ result],
2]]]]}, {Red,
Point[#] & /@
Partition[Riffle[result, s[c, d, #] & /@ result], 2]}, {Red,
Point[#] & /@
Rest[Partition[Riffle[result, d3[a, b, #] & /@ result],
ListLinePlot[result, PlotLabel -> "Price Movement",
PlotStyle -> Red, Ticks -> None,
AxesLabel -> {"iteration", Style["p", Italic]}]}},
ImageSize -> 550]],
{{b, 1, "slope of D"}, .5, 1.2, .1},
{{d, .7, "slope of S"}, .5, 1.2, .1},
{{a, 12, "initial D"}, 5, 27},
{{c, 1, "initial S"}, .1, 10},
{{n, 14, "starting price, \!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(P\), \(0\)]\)"}, .5,
{{nn, 50, "number of iterations"}, 1, 100, 1},
SaveDefinitions -> True]