Here is an example of a plot with the "Detailed" PlotTheme in version 10:
plot = Plot[{x^2 Sin[x], x^2}, {x, 0, 13 \[Pi]}, PlotTheme -> "Detailed"]
FYI, it always generates a legend (even if there is only one curve).
But you can see the options that have been set for this plot (but which does not include the legending) using:
Rest[List @@ (First@plot)]
Taking the results of this as a guide one can begin to replicate the styling using
Plot[{x^2 Sin[x], x^2}, {x, 0, 13 \[Pi]},
PlotLegends -> "Expressions", Frame -> True, Axes -> False,
GridLines -> Automatic,
GridLinesStyle ->
Directive[GrayLevel[0.4, 0.5], AbsoluteThickness[1],
AbsoluteDashing[{1, 2}]],
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Helvetica"},
FrameStyle -> Gray]
So, comparing the PlotTheme -> "Detailed" in version 10:

to the version 9 result using the options above: