Dear friends,
I have two data that I use to build the following histogram code:
HistMagEstac =
ChartLabels -> Placed[Classes, Below, Rotate[#, Pi/2.4] &],
ChartElementFunction -> "ObliqueRectangle",
PlotLabel ->
Style["Distribuição de magnitudes (2014) -> atualização de: " <>
DateString[{"Day", "/", "Month", "/", "Year", " às ",
"HourShort", ":", "MinuteShort"}], "Title", 16],
ColorFunction -> Function[{height}, ColorData["Rainbow"][height]],
AxesLabel -> {Style["Mag/10", 12, Bold],
Style["Total de mag. por classe", 12, Bold]},
LabelingFunction -> Above, ImageSize -> 800]
But, when the histogram is done, labels related to zero values, are not being written: see the attachment
Am I doing something wrong? (also , I`d like to set the labels in the middle of each class limits)
The data set:
eventosporclasses = {0, 1, 2, 1, 5, 5, 3, 5, 15, 30, 50, 115, 248, 581, 1063, 1606, 2022, \
1584, 1027, 862, 1095, 823, 361, 65, 7, 1, 0, 1, 0, 4, 7, 0, 6, 14, \
3, 0, 1};
Classes = {"-80 a -76", "-75 a -71", "-70 a -66", "-65 a -61",
"-60 a -56", "-55 a -51", "-50 a -46", "-45 a -41", "-40 a -36",
"-35 a -31", "-30 a -26", "-25 a -21", "-20 a -16", "-15 a -11",
"-10 a -6", "-5 a -1", "00 a 4", "5 a 9", "10 a 14", "15 a 19",
"20 a 24", "25 a 29", "30 a 34", "35 a 39", "40 a 44", "45 a 49",
"50 a 54", "55 a 59", "60 a 64", "65 a 69", "70 a 74", "75 a 79",
"80 a 84", "85 a 89", "90 a 94", "95 a 99", "100 a 105"};