I have hit an issue where messages are simply not showing. The code snippet below should demonstrate the problem...
Declare our message
In[1]:= foo::fooMessage = "Hello World";
Declare our function
In[2]:= foo[n_] := Message[foo::fooMessage]
Execute our function; Note that there was no output (Message output was expected)
In[3]:= foo[1]
Show our message to make sure it was all defined correctly etc
In[4]:= foo::fooMessage
Out[4]= "Hello World"
Double check that our message was actually assigned to our function as expected
In[5]:= Messages[foo]
Out[5]= {HoldPattern[foo::fooMessage] :> "Hello World"}
For some reason the Message function does not appear to be generating any output. I have tried several examples from other sources and they also appear to have the same issue. I am using Mathematica 10.0.1 on OSX Yosemite.
Thanks for any input.