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How to create a system to determine the exact amount of commission?

Posted 11 years ago

Hi, I'm an accounting student searching for a solution on how to invent a system to determine the exact amount of workers commission according to their sales achievement. PROBLEM : Difficulties in determining the exact amount of commission for an employee according to their sales. Basically, in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME), they only use manual system in order to calculate and identify the comission of their workers. Our aim to invent this system is to prevent the miscalculations of the workers commission so that the workers can receive the commission fairly according to their sales achievement.


1) Transactions occur between employees and customers.
2) Before payment is made, the employee must swipe employee
ID card in order to identify workers who are on duty for commission calculation
3) All information will be recorded in the system.
4) The commission will be given to the employee within the sales made by each employee.

  • So,do you have any idea to invent a system to overcome
    this problem?
  • How much costs that incurred in developing this system? Thank you.
3 Replies

Can you give me the overview of the system, so that I can decide whether I want to hire that Mathematica/WL consultants. Thank you so much for you respond.

This reads like more than homework.

Are you looking for just an overview of how to do this, or do you want to hire Mathematica/WL consultants?

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller

Can you give me the overview of the system, so that I can decide whether I want to hire that Mathematica/WL consultants. Thank you so much for you respond.

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