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What is wrong with my code, I get an output of an orange block.

Posted 10 years ago
JuliaData[c_, {{xmin_, xmax_}, {ymin_, ymax_}}, xdiv_, ydiv_] :=
     Table[orbitLength[x + I y, c], {y, ymax, 
       ymin, -(ymax - ymin)/ydiv}, {x, xmin, xmax, (xmax - xmin)/xdiv}]

data = JuliaData[-.1 + 8 I, {{-2, 2}, {-2, 2}}, 100, 500];
ArrayPlot[data, DataRange -> {{-2, 2}, {-2, 2}}, 
 FrameTicks -> Automatic]
POSTED BY: Steven Fields
6 Replies
Posted 10 years ago

Hello Elena,

I don't know if you've declared all your variables, but what I share below you worked for me, I hope that you will serve to your doubts.

a1 = 76.; a2 = 20.3;
sgmB1 = 0.065; sgmB2 = 0.166; sgmB3 = 0.1;
pot = 180.;
alt = 635.;
rrc = 472.;
vol = Pi*rrc^2*alt;
fnts = 7.8*10^(16)*pot/vol;
sgmRx = 0.065;
f1Ads = 0.145;
fir[z_] := 
  f1Ads*fnts*crgm[z]*(e2[b[z]] - e2[b[z] + 2*sgmRx*rrc])/(2*sgmRx);
crgm[y_] := Sqrt[rrc/(rrc + y)];
e2[y_] := ExpIntegralE[2, y];
b[x_] := Which[x < a1, sgmB1*x, a1 <= x < a1 + a2, 
  sgmB1*a1 + (x - a1)*sgmB2, a1 + a2 <= x, 
  sgmB1*a1 + sgmB2*a2 + (x - a1 - a2)*sgmB3]

Here are some examples with several test values that probe with the function b

In[15]:= Table[b[i], {i, 74, 164, 15}]

Out[15]= {4.81, 7.098, 9.0798, 10.5798, 12.0798, 13.5798, 15.0798}

Apparently your Which is well formed. I hope that you've helped in something,greetings, white donkey.

POSTED BY: Luis Ledesma

Mr. Ledesma,

Your English is better than Google's. Please feel free to clean up the text.

Moderation Team

Posted 10 years ago

What is wrong with my code

fir[z_] :=  flAds*fnts*crgm[z] ( e2[b[z]] - e2[b[z] + 2*sgmRx*rrc ])/( 2*sgmRx )
pot = 180.; alt = 635.; rrc = 472.; vol = Pi*rrc^2*alt
fnts = 7.8*10^(16)*pot /vol
sgmRx = 0.065; f1Ads = 0.145;
rgm[y_] := Sqrt[rrc /(rrc + y)]
e2[y_] := ExpIntegralE[2, y]

b[x_] := Which[x < a1, sgmB1*x, a1 <= x < a1 + a2, 
  sgmB1*a1 + (x - a1)*sgmB2, a1 + a2 <= x, 
  sgmB1*a1 + sgmB2*a2 + (x - a1 - a2)*sgmB3]
a1 = 76.; a2 = 20.3;
sgmB1 = 0.065; sgmB2 = 0.166; sgmB3 = 0.1;
POSTED BY: elena lopez


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ArrayPlot (like other data plotting functions) wants Real values, not Complex.

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller

Other than syntax errors from omitting the underscore on the patterns in the definition of JuliaData[], it appears that you did not define the orbitlength[] function.

POSTED BY: Gerard Kopcsay
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