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Equality-Constrained Optimization With Differential Forms

Equality-constrained optimization can be performed without Lagrange mulitpliers, using differential forms.

See "Differential forms for constrained max-min problems: eliminating Lagrange multipliers", College Mathematics Journal 29 (November 1998), no. 5, 387--396, by Frank Zizza

The differential forms condition to minimize or maximize f subject to g1 == 0, g2 == 0, etc. is df ^ dg1 ^ dg2 ... == 0 where df, dg1, dg2, etc. are differentials of f, g1, g2, etc. and ^ is the wedge product.

This operation can be carried out in Mathematica using the TensorWedge function. For example, considering minimizing x + y subject to x^2+ y^2==1

In[1]:= f = x + y; g = x^2 + y^2 - 1; vars = {x, y};

In[4]:= df = Grad[f, vars]; dg = Grad[g, vars];

In[7]:= w = SymmetrizedArrayRules[TensorWedge[df, dg]]

Out[7]= {{1, 2} -> -2 x + 2 y, {_, _} -> 0}

In[10]:= Reduce[w[[All, 2]] == 0 && g == 0, vars, 
 Backsubstitution -> True]

Out[10]= (x == -(1/Sqrt[2]) && y == -(1/Sqrt[2])) || (x == 1/Sqrt[2] &&
    y == 1/Sqrt[2])

The Lagrange multiplier approach would be

In[11]:= Reduce[df == \[Lambda] dg &&  g == 0, vars, 
 Backsubstitution -> True]

Out[11]= (\[Lambda] == -(1/Sqrt[2]) && x == -(1/Sqrt[2]) && 
   y == -(1/Sqrt[2])) || (\[Lambda] == 1/Sqrt[2] && x == 1/Sqrt[2] && 
   y == 1/Sqrt[2])
POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
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