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Define a complex number

Posted 10 years ago

Hello, I want to define a complex number like z(x,y) = x + i y But when I do some mathematical operations on this number, Mathematica program don't know that the variables x and y are real numbers

How can i enforce mathematica to deal with x and y as a real numbers not a complex numbers

I am looking for ward to receive a comment .. many thanks

POSTED BY: Ahmed Al-Ali
4 Replies

The solution to this problem is to introduce Assumptions on variables x and y. There is a way to formulate global assumptions or you can add the assumptions as options to Simplify or to a few other Mathematica functions. Details are best seen from the Documentation concerning Assumptions (you know the convenient access via the F1-key to the documentation?).

You may probably wonder why Mathematica does not follow the established paradigm of object oriented languages. I'm not in a position to answer this question. As it appears to me, the more recent versions of Mathematica made some steps on the way to incorporate the type-concept into the language. I would suspect that the end of this way is not yet reached.

Sorry Sean, I overlooked that you did not only write on ComplexExpand that also about Assumptions!

POSTED BY: Ulrich Mutze

First, try using ComplexExpand:

ComplexExpand expands an expression assuming the variables are Real.

Additionally, you can use the Assumptions option on many commands to tell it to assume that certain variables are Real

Assumptions ->Element[{x,y},Reals]


POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
Posted 10 years ago

Hello, I want to define a complex number like z(x,y) = x + i y But when I do some mathematical operations on this number, Mathematica program don't know that the variables x and y are real numbers

How can i enforce mathematica to deal with x and y as a real numbers not a complex numbers

I am looking for ward to receive a comment .. many thanks

POSTED BY: Ahmed Al-Ali
Posted 10 years ago

Hello, I want to define a complex number like z(x,y) = x + i y But when I do some mathematical operations on this number, Mathematica program don't know that the variables x and y are real numbers

How can i enforce mathematica to deal with x and y as a real numbers not a complex numbers

I am looking for ward to receive a comment .. many thanks

POSTED BY: Ahmed Al-Ali
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