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Blocking execution with other versions of Mathematica

Posted 10 years ago

I am doing my semster project , im using Mathematica 10.0 , but my teacher has 9.0 , he forced my to write a code that blocks older version's(notebook would not evaluate ). How to do that ? i have no clue .. Please help me . Greetings ! ;-)

POSTED BY: Hubert Szatara
2 Replies
Posted 10 years ago

Thanks a lot David ! ;-)

POSTED BY: Hubert Szatara

Not quite sure what you mean. Do you want your code not to execute in versions lower than 10?

Simplest way to do something like this is to enclose the code you do not want to evaluate if the version is less than 10 in an If statement that tests the version. For example this will only beep if you have version 10 or later:

If[$VersionNumber >= 10, Beep[]]
POSTED BY: David Reiss
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