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Need to import a .xls from the .cdf 's directory , must work anywhere

Posted 10 years ago

I have tried using this SetDirectory[ DirectoryName[ ToFileName["FileName" /. NotebookInformation[SelectedNotebook[]]]]]

and then used t = Import[ "FileName\\RegressionExample.xls"];

But what is the correct way?

POSTED BY: jethro holcroft
2 Replies

In Player Pro you can use NotebookDirectory[EvaluationNotebook[]] With the Free CDF Player you cannot import anything from the filesystem by using Import. If you run a local webserver you can probably get data through FetchURL, or Import["http://localhost/mydata.xls"]

POSTED BY: Rolf Mertig

Need to import a .xls from the .cdf 's directory , must work anywhere

POSTED BY: Rolf Mertig
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