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Manipulate[ FindRoot[..] ... ]

who can help me to improve this algorithm and extract values Manipulate[] for reuse

X = (H (\[Delta]/Pn)^\[Delta])^(1/(
 1 - \[Delta])); Nx =  \[Delta]/Pn X; Bx = (1 - \[Delta]) X ;
f[Z_] = -0.0003*(Z)^3 + 0.006*(Z)^2 - 0.1*(Z) + 1;  
K = A f[X]; Bn = Pn K; 
R = Bx + Bn; Xc = \[Alpha] R; Nc = (1 - \[Alpha])/Pn R; 
Simplify[K == Nc + Nx ] ;  (*6*)
Simplify[X1 == X];   (*7*)
Simplify[Bx1 == Bx];  (*8*)
Simplify[Bn1 == Bn]  ; (*9*)
Simplify[K1 == K] ;(*10*) 
Simplify[\[Alpha]Nx == Nx]; (*11*)
Simplify[\[Alpha]Nc == Nc];  (*12*)
Simplify[\[Alpha]Xc == Xc];  (*13*)
 FindRoot[{Out[6], Out[7], Out[8], Out[9], Out[10], Out[11], Out[12], 
   Out[13]}, {{Pn, 1}, {X1, 1}, {Bx1 , 1}, {Bn1 , 1}, {K1, 
    1}, {\[Alpha]Nx, 1}, {\[Alpha]Nc, 1}, {\[Alpha]Xc, 1}}]
 , {H, 4, 5}, {M, 4, 2}, {\[Epsilon], 0.4, 2}, {\[Delta], 0.3, 
  2}, {\[Alpha], 0.5, 1}, {A, 20, 100}]
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