Kind of a related question. But what if I am trying to Repeat Calculations/Iterations without a specific function?
I am trying to repeat an initial condition many times such that I get a desired final output. ONE final output depends on many subsequent calculations from ONE initial condition. But I want to get a specific final output. I have many given parameters
tid = 50; taid = 20; tcid = 30; rho = 0.975; pe1 = 4.37; pe2 = 4.4509; qedom = 1021167;
qeim = 5700; qcid = 529.59; el = 0.655; did = 4.22; dtot = 430932.474; iad = 445002;
cad = 688723.8554;
qetot = qedom + qeim;
uel = 1 - el;
sigid = 0.20568; rid = 0.02958;
upid = N[Exp[Sqrt[1]*sigid]];
dwid = N[1/upid];
rf = N[Exp[rid*1]];
pid = N[(rf - dwid)/(upid - dwid)];
qid = N[1 - pid];
prf2 = 0.001*pe2*qetot-0.01*cad;
npva = ((rho - rho^(taid + 1))/(1 - rho))*prf2 - 0.01*iad;
I would encourage you NOT TO CHANGE the values of the parameters(you are free to change the names if you wish); these are from real data and heavily influence the results. The following parameter "cprd" is the INITIAL CONDITION (given the other parameters) that I want to change many times
exch=63.56; cprd = 200;
pin = exch*cprd;(*63.56 is a FIXED constant and "pin" is the product exch*cprd*)
prf1[p_] = 0.001*pe1*qedom*el - 0.001*p*qcid - 0.001*pe1*qeim;
As you see, ALL THE FOLLOWING calculations depends on ONE chosen value of "pin" and if I change "cprd" all the results would change.
stsp = Table[pin*(upid^i), {i, -tid, tid}];
Dimensions[stsp] (*checking this gives a column vector*)
lensp = Length[stsp]
per[i_] := prf1[stsp][[i]];
up[n1_, sig_, T_] := N[Exp[Sqrt[T/n1] sig]];
down[n1_, sig_, T_] := N[1/up[n1, sig, T]];
int[n1_, Rf_, T_] := N[Exp[Rf*(T/n1)]];
P[up_, down_, al_] := N[(al - down)/(up - down)];
Q[up_, down_, al_] := N[1 - P[up, down, al]];
mean[l_List] := Apply[Plus, l]/Length[l];
AmericanOption[p0_, n1_, sig_, T_, Rf_, exercise_Function] :=
Module[{u = up[n1, sig, T], d = down[n1, sig, T],
al = int[n1, Rf, T], p, q, OpRecurse, res}, p = P[u, d, al];
q = Q[u, d, al];
OpRecurse[node_, level_] :=
OpRecurse[node, level] =
If[level == n1, exercise[p0*d^node u^(level - node)],
rho*{p, q}.{OpRecurse[node, level + 1],
OpRecurse[node + 1, level + 1]} +
exercise[p0*d^node u^(level - node)]]; res = OpRecurse[0, 0];
Clear[OpRecurse]; res];
AmericanPut[p0_, n1_, sig_, T_, Rf_] := AmericanOption[p0, n1, sig, T,
Rf, # &]
AmericanPut[per[1], tcid, sigid, tcid, rid] (*just checking*)
tabnpvc =Table[AmericanPut[per[i], tcid, sigid, tcid, rid], {i, 1, lensp}];
e1 = 0;
newp = Table[e1, {i, lensp}, {j, lensp}];
{101, 101}
Table[newp[[i, Min[i + 1, lensp]]] = pid, {i, lensp}];
Table[newp[[i, Max[i - 1, 1]]] = qid, {i, lensp}];
valtern = Max[#, npva] & /@ tabnpvc;
The matrix "val" is the MOST IMPORTANT. I want to REPEAT THE ITERATIONS (by changing "cprd") such that difference between the 1st and the 50th column val[[All, 1]]-val[[All, 50]] is first positive and then zero (vector contains positive numbers followed by zeros).
val = Table[e1, {i, lensp}, {j, tid + 1}];
val[[All,tid + 1]] = tabnpvc;
Do[Table[val[[All, i]] = Max[#, npva] & /@ (prf1[stsp] + rho*newp.val[[All, i + 1]]), {i,
1, tid}], {tid}];
val // MatrixForm;
diff = val[[All, 1]] - val[[All, 50]]; (*this vector should ideally contain positive values FOLLOWED BY zeros but NOT negative*)
pos = Position[diff, _?(# < 0 &)] (*this is not desired*)
{{36}, {37}, {38}, {39}, {40}, {41}, {42}, {43}, {44}, {45}, {46},{47}}
Finally, just checking with figures
valplot[i_, j_] := {stsp[[i]], val[[All, j]][[i]]};
val1 = ListLinePlot[Table[valplot[i, 1], {i, 1, lensp}],
PlotRange -> All];
val2 = ListLinePlot[Table[valplot[i, 50], {i, 1, lensp}],
PlotRange -> All];
Show[val1, val2]; (*this should be such that the curves don't ever cross but converge to the value of "npva"*)
So MY DESIRED FINAL OUTPUT is that the vector "diff" should contain BOTH positive numbers and zeros. It should first be positive and then zeros (maybe "pos" should equal the null vector {}). As you see, you can keep changing the value of "cprd" until you get the desired result
I have no idea on how to do incorporate all this in a "While" or "Do" function. Please help. Thank You.