Thanks for the info. I do actually want to redefine gamma. I know this may break things in a particular notebook, but the purpose of the notebook is to use this alternate gamma. I think the functional equation is different, and so I would want to remove all transform rules to a un gamma ed state. This includes cutting back all function rules which use it. I realize this may break things in some way, in this particular notebook, this full elimination is what is required.
Gamma[z_] := Cgamma Exp[Sum[1/(n+1) Sum[(-1)^(k+1) Binomial[n, k] Log[k+z], {k, 0, n}], {n, 0, Infinity}]]
The aim being to deduce replacement functionality based on this definition of Gamma. The research being about this alternate gamma, needs any conflict of definition removed.
EDIT: an alternate method maybe to wrap reals so that no gamma operation is performed on the ungammaed reals, apart from the ones I define, such that Gamma is still available if need be. Any info on how to do this?
EDIT2: I am getting distracted by the FIASCO codec in the Netpbm library.