I have a notebook which at the end produces an output of 'Solve' command. Now this output is huge and takes enormous time to be calculated. Thus I need to save this output in a file for subsequent uses without running the whole notebook again and again. May I ask you for a recommendation. Just be aware, that since this is not a definition, I can not use 'Dumpsave' or 'Put'.
You can try AppendTo[]
Each time you run your model, your final result will be save in SaveSolution in a list.
Yes, I have tried it.
In[188]:= solution = Solve[x^2 == 1, x]; Save["solution.m", solution]; Clear[solution]; Get["solution.m"] Out[191]= {{x -> -1}, {x -> 1}}
Thanks Llian, but have you actually tried it before, for it does not work, and the error is:
"solution must be a symbol, a string, or a list of symbols and strings"
Could you please verify this?
solution = Solve[...]; Save["solution.m", solution];
Dear Mr. Cleary,
Thanks for your response, but may had noticed, I noted that the 'Put' command is not a solution for this problem, since output of 'Solve' is not a symbol, nor a definition. It is a list which makes for this somehow. Hence this is not a solution.
A semicolon (;) after a command will perform the operation and store the result without showing the output.
Dear Mr. Blinder
I believe I did not make myself clear. What I intend to do is to save the output of Solve in a file, so that I could read it from the file instead of running the 'Solve' command again. I believe I am correct if I say after the kernel is shut down, all the data is lost, SO a simple semicolon would not do any good! Semicolon is a totally different command, as you have put it correctly.