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Running Solve on this equation leads nowhere..

Posted 10 years ago

I am trying to solve this equation for $b_0$ - $$ -\frac{\alpha p (b0 \rhoh+1) (b0+f q)}{-\alpha {b0}^2 \rhoh-\alpha {b0}-\alpha {b0} f q \rhoh-{b0} \nuh - \alpha f q- \nuh q}-\frac{{b0} \gamma }{1-{b0}}-\frac{\nuw}{(1-{b0}) ({b0} \eta +1)^2 ({b0}\rhow+1)} = 0 $$ The notebook keeps on running but doesn't get any result...any tip on how I help Mathematica solve it, or maybe it is unsolvable?

I attach here the notebook I used..

POSTED BY: Omer Tzuk
2 Replies
Posted 10 years ago

It's an equation of degree 5 with respect to b0 with symbolic coefficients:

Solve[Numerator@Factor@eqb0[[1]] == 0, b0]
POSTED BY: Updating Name
Posted 10 years ago

Cool, thanks!

POSTED BY: Omer Tzuk
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