It depends when you encounter the problem,
You cannot plot complex data, so a + I *b need to be transformed to {a,b} before calling to ListPlot. You can do that using ReplaceAll
tab=RandomComplex[{-0.01 - 0.01 I, 0.01 + 0.02 I}/10000, 100];
ListPlot[tab /. Complex[x, y] :> List[x, y]]
If your problem appears AFTER importing back the data, you need to notice that the data is imported as strings and you need to use ToExpression to overcome that
exp = Export["~/table.txt", tab, "Table"];
imp=Import[["~/table.txt", "Table"];
Dimensions[tab] returns 100
Dimensions[imp] returns {100,1} so there is a surrounding List that you can cancel using Flatten
so for this part
ListPlot[Flatten[(ToExpression@Import["~/table.txt", "Table"])] /.
Complex[x, y] :> {x, y}]
will do the trick