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Cloud object on Programming cloud

Posted 10 years ago

Dear All,

Greeting from Singapore. First time, trying the cloud deploy and cloud object on Windows PC. The cloud deploy works well on single object. I would like to use 2 cloud deploy as input but to a single cloud object.

CloudDeploy[ExportForm[Style[ Framed["Hello,  Singapore ", ImageMargins->50],70,Orange,FontFamily->"Verda na"],"GIF"]]

output is 2 ulr's. Working well. But wish to create a single URL..( from CloudDeploy) from above Cloud Deploy. I tried with comma (,) in between CloudDeploy with additional [] but it not working. Wonder how to implement the following...

CloudObject["http://…"], CloudObject["https://…"]

enter image description here

Please advise, Am i missing something ? Thanks a lot.

3 Replies

I apologize. I don't understand what you're trying to do, so it's hard to know if it's right.

The code you have posted has mismatched brackets.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

Dear Sean,

Thanks for suggestion. I tried. but still error though CloudDeploy[{a,b}] looks simple with many { ,[ it is confusing. here is my code

[ExportForm[Style[ Framed["Hello,  Singapore ", ImageMargins->50],70,Orange,FontFamily->"Verdana"],"GIF"]}]

Is it right? , i have added a , { and } . Any thoughts?

Thanks a lot.

Cheers! chandra

They have separate URLs because they are separate CloudObjects. You could put the two items together in a list. Then they'd be a single CloudObject.

Instead of:



POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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