Curently I am trying to find the roots of the following function:
dataTable = {{1, 4.19322*10^7}, {1.10517, 4.93649*10^7}, {1.2214,
5.92578*10^7}, {1.34986, 7.28902*10^7}, {1.49182,
9.21686*10^7}, {1.64872, 1.19844*10^8}, {1.82212,
1.60884*10^8}, {2.01375, 2.23547*10^8}, {2.22554,
3.21208*10^8}, {2.4596, 4.79926*10^8}, {2.71828,
7.43284*10^8}, {3.00417, 1.19955*10^9}, {3.32012,
2.00194*10^9}, {3.6693, 3.49278*10^9}, {4.0552,
6.24548*10^9}, {4.48169, 1.1651*10^10}, {4.95303,
2.244*10^10}, {5.47395, 4.48281*10^10}, {6.04965,
9.1791*10^10}, {6.68589, 1.93113*10^11}, {7.38906,
4.20822*10^11}, {8.16617, 9.25839*10^11}, {9.02501,
2.0749*10^12}, {9.97418, 4.73217*10^12}, {11.0232,
1.09285*10^13}, {12.1825, 2.60396*10^13}, {13.4637,
5.9518*10^13}, {14.8797, 1.43135*10^14}, {16.4446,
3.41386*10^14}, {18.1741, 8.45196*10^14}, {20.0855,
2.02392*10^15}, {22.198, 4.76014*10^15}, {24.5325,
1.16761*10^16}, {27.1126, 2.79474*10^16}, {29.9641,
7.62706*10^16}, {33.1155, 1.68507*10^17}, {36.5982,
4.3599*10^17}, {40.4473, 1.10525*10^18}, {44.7012,
2.55076*10^18}, {49.4024, 6.02272*10^18}, {54.5982,
1.42872*10^19}, {60.3403, 3.88896*10^19}, {66.6863,
8.76079*10^19}, {73.6998, 2.21779*10^20}, {81.4509,
5.45498*10^20}, {90.0171, 1.43749*10^21}, {99.4843,
2.86785*10^21}, {109.947, 7.96947*10^21}, {121.51,
2.13845*10^22}, {134.29, 4.33563*10^22}}
My plan was to interpolate and then find the roots:
f = Interpolation[%];
Show[ListLogPlot[dataTable] ,
LogPlot[f[x], {x, 1, First[Last[dataTable]]}]]
FindRoot[f[x], {x, 1 + i}]
Obviously there are only Complex Roots. I was not able to find a good starting point to find a root of the function, so I tried it using FindAllRoots.m :
RootSearch[f[x] == 0, {x, 1, 100}]
But I get:
$MinPrecision::precset: Cannot set $MinPrecision to -\[Infinity]; value must be a non-negative number or Infinity. >>
Actually I do not know what that means..
I expected it to fail since there are only examples with real roots given in the help of FindAllRoots. However.. I am not sure if I am on the right path. Do you know another way to solve the poblem? Am I doing something wrong?
Best Regards,