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Quantile of a Transformed Distribution

Posted 10 years ago

For independent discrete random variables X and Y uniformly distributed over {1,2,3,4,5}, I want to compute the 30th quantile of X + Y. Why doesn't the first block of code work (it simply echos back the Quantile command)? The second block works (a solution from Tech Support a few years ago). Thanks.

Z = TransformedDistribution[X + Y,
      {X \[Distributed] DiscreteUniformDistribution@{1, 5},
        Y \[Distributed] DiscreteUniformDistribution@{1, 5}}];
Quantile[Z, 0.3]

Z = TransformedDistribution[X + Y,
      {X \[Distributed] DiscreteUniformDistribution@{1, 5},
        Y \[Distributed] DiscreteUniformDistribution@{1, 5}}];
dist = ProbabilityDistribution[PDF[Z, x], {x, 2, 10, 1}];
Quantile[dist, .3]
POSTED BY: Bruce Colletti
Posted 10 years ago

This is really good, thank you for improving such an amazing work, keep it up dude. - Paramount Song

POSTED BY: Sheldon Cooper
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