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How to make add-ons?

Posted 10 years ago

I download an add-on, and the install is just unzipping into the "Applications" subdirectory of the Mathematica base directory. However, I try to copy my application into the "Applications" without any add-ons in the "Document center". why?

POSTED BY: haifeng dong
4 Replies

'the "Applications" subdirectory of the Mathematica base directory' is a standard location for add-ons. That directory is included in the default list of directories to look in for add-ons (the "$Path" variable).

I don't understand your second sentence,
'I try to copy my application into the "Applications" without any add-ons in the "Document center". '

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller

That is a different problem and not related to the one in this thread.

If you are having trouble installing something from the Apple app store, I would contact tech support for your device.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
Posted 10 years ago

I have a problem with the installation


Which add-on? Which verison of Mathematica?

If your add-on isn't up-to-date, that might explain the issue.

If the add-on is made by Wolfram Research, contact Wolfram Technical Support at (

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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