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Getting an integration result that appears to be incorrect

Posted 10 years ago

I'm trying to use Wolfram Alpha to symbolically evaluate an integral, and I'm getting this:

integral A e^(-j sqrt(x^2+y^2)) cos(tan^(-1)(x, y)) dx = -(A e^(-j sqrt(x^2+y^2)))/j+constant

Since the purpose of the cos(tan^(-1)(x, y)) is to convert an otherwise directionless distance interaction into an x-vector, the result when integrated should still be sensitive to the sign of x. However, the result of the integration has rendered the sign of x meaningless.

Unfortunately I don't have a membership, so I can't see a breakdown of why exactly Wolfram Alpha thinks that this is the correct result.

Am I missing something, or have I stumbled across a bug?

POSTED BY: Josh Kirby
3 Replies
Posted 10 years ago
POSTED BY: Josh Kirby
Posted 10 years ago

Bleh, that's right, odd functions (what I start with, maybe, sort of) integrate to even functions. I just need to rewrap my head around that, sorry for the waste of time.

The alternate form of cos(arctan(x,y)) was helpful to see, though.

POSTED BY: Josh Kirby

I don't see any problem with the result.

In[4]:= Cos[ArcTan[x, y]]

(* Out[4]= x/Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]*)

So the result looks to be correct (do it by substitution t=x^2 + y^2, dt=2*x, so it reduces to Integrate[Exp[-j*Sqrt[t]]/Sqrt[t], t] up to multiplicative constants.

Maybe you had in mind to use Cos[ArcTan[y/x]]?

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
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