Hello everybody,
I've got a computer with windows 8.1 in 64 bits, an i7 and 6Go of RAM. I use less than 10% of the processor and 30% of the RAM when I launch animate graphics with Mathematica, but theses aren't fluid and not really good looking... I don't think that I'm really clear, so I'll give you an example !
I've defined a function :
y[x_, t_] :=
A1 Sin[(2 \[Pi])/\[Lambda]1 (x - v1 t) + \[Delta]1] + A2 Sin[(2 \[Pi])/\[Lambda]2 (x - v2 t) + \[Delta]2]
With :
A1 = 1; A2 = 1; v1 = 1; v2 = 1; \[Delta]1 = 0; \[Delta]2 = 0; \[Lambda]1 = 2 \[Pi]; \[Lambda]2 = 2.05 \[Pi];
And I Animate this function with the command :
Animate[Plot[y[x, t], {x, -200, 200}], {t, 0, 500}]
When I launch the animation, I've images like that :
And when I stop the animation, the Animation plot the right thing, i.e. :
So, my problem is that I'd like to see the real form (the second one) during the animate... Knowing that during this animation my computer run with 30% of its performance, I think this is possible. But I don't know how... So if you've an idea, I'm interested!
Thank You!
PS : Sorry if it isn't really clear, I'm a French student...