I'm attempting to set up my Mathematica code so that it can email me the results of its calculation once it is finished. I decided to test a simple example of SendMail to make sure it was working.
In this case I'm using an internal mail relay on port 25 which does not require authentication.
My code is as follows.
"To" -> "l.j@domain.com",
"Subject" -> "Example Message",
"Body" -> "My text",
"From" -> "l.j@domain.com",
"Server" -> "mailrelay.sub.domain.com",
"UserName" -> "",
"Password" -> None,
"PortNumber" -> 25,
"EncryptionProtocol" -> "SSL"]
and I get the error
SendMail::msgerr: An unexpected response was received during message transport. >>
I'm guessing that the unexpected response from the server is because it is attempting to send a username and password when it doesn't want one. Is there a way to tell mathematica not to send a username/password? Alternatively is there a way to dig into the error to pick up on the exact to and fro between mathematica and the mail server so that I can see exactly what it isn't expecting to receive?
Thanks, L
P.S. Not sure if this is just something in the code I'm missing or if I need to stick in the call to the service team but it would be good to get some community views on solutions.