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Is it possible to Save a Mathematica Notebook as PDF , with an Index ?

Posted 10 years ago

I have spent quite some time trying to persuade Mathematica to do this, but I find no mention of such a feature in any of the documentation. I have found the AuthorTools package, but as far as I can see, non of it applies to exported PDF. Any help would be appreciated, if only to stop me wasting any more time on this. Regards,

4 Replies
Posted 10 years ago

Well, I didn't figure out how to do it with Mathematica, since I don't have any information about the internals in Mathematica which handle this, nor the time to hack it. What I have done is :
Exported the mathematical typeset of my document from the notebook as a .png images. (In fact, I found that taking a "ScreenShot" produced a better image than the SaveAs.)

Constructed the PDF body of my document with navigation index using Ruby/prawn, which allows me to import and position the images of the mathematical typeset. This was a little bit tedious, but straightforward enough.

This is obviously not an ideal solution, since the rendering of the images slightly alters the appearance compared to the original, and any text in the image is not searchable, but that is a small price to pay to have the navigation in the PDF document. Clearly, it would be better to do it all in Mathematica, or use another tool. Purchasing an expensive package for occasional use is certainly not an option.

Posted 10 years ago

That sounds useful! When you figure it out please post your conclusions.

POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 10 years ago

Hi David, this I knew. However, when you load the resultant PDF file in a viewer, there is no Contents index and the only navigation tool is by page or scroll. I was looking for a method to pass navigation controls from the notebook to the PDF document. Tad

Posted 10 years ago

In 10: Top menu -- select File-Save As -- at bottom, below file name, Save As Type allows pdf as a choice.

POSTED BY: David Keith
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