Hello, I am trying to connect to a Microsoft Access database (.accdb) file that a colleague shared with me,using DatabaseLink, and I cannot seem to get this to work. To rule-out a problem with my .accdb file, I also tried to connect to a file provided with the Example Data package, "publishers.ccdb."
conn = OpenSQLConnection[
JDBC["Microsoft Access(ODBC)",
When I follow the guidelines on the reference page (http://reference.wolfram.com/language/DatabaseLink/tutorial/DatabaseConnections.html) for ODBC Connections, I get the following error:
JDBC::classnotfound: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver >>
Note, the connection method I am using is access-specific ODBC driver and a path to the Access file. (This method does not require a configured ODBC source.)
What I've tried so far: Clean restart of mathematica. (http://support.wolfram.com/kb/12464) Install and Restore the database examples to their original state as described in "Using the example Databases."
Is there anybody else out there who has run into this issue before?