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Mathematica 10.0.2 and cloud notebooks

Posted 10 years ago

I own the desktop version of Mathematica 10.0.2 (Mac). I also have a free wolfram cloud account and am able to create notebooks online. If I enter my cloud details into Mathematica desktop it signs in fine; However if I attempt to "Open from wolfram cloud..." or "Save to wolfram cloud..." I simply get an error saying "We're sorry. We encountered a problem and could not process your request". Is this a known problem or do I need another account type to be able to open/save files from my Desktop Mathematica and my cloud account?

POSTED BY: Lenny Johnson
4 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

Just to update the this thread for reference. The problems have now been solved. I presume something has been fixed "In the cloud". I can now connect my desktop Mathematica to my wolfram cloud account.

POSTED BY: Lenny Johnson
Posted 10 years ago

I am having the same problem. I am in contact with Wolfram support about it. If it gets solved, I will let you know.

POSTED BY: Marc Widdowson
Posted 10 years ago
POSTED BY: Lenny Johnson
Posted 10 years ago

Given that solutions are a little thin on the ground, can anyone confirm that they "Can" log into their free cloud account and open a notebook from desktop mathematica? (Preferably the same version and platform as the above). At least if I can identify if it is just my setup that is having a problem I have somewhere to start.

Any suggestions on things I could try to identify the issue would be welcome.


POSTED BY: Lenny Johnson
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