Hello everybody, I'm new to this topic, although i've used the Wolfram alpha webpage on various occasions. I saw an article on Gizmodo about Image identification using the wolfram engine (the webpage) and I thought I will use it for a school project. What I am trying to achieve is to use a rapsberry pi (mounted on an Rc car) to identify the world and map it (it also has a gps). I've installed the wolfram engine and tried to identify the objects taken with the camera. I've used the documentation here: https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ImageIdentify.html As I have only the CLI interface, I cannot see the outputs and inputs graphically. (Being a project that has to be mobile, I don't want to be running a gui.) This is what I've tried:
In[3]:= camImage=Import[ "!raspistill -ss 1000 -t 10 -w 1024 -h 1024 -o -", "JPG"]
Out[3]= -Image-
In[4]:= ImageIdentify[camImage]
Out[4]= ImageIdentify[-Image-]
I've expected that on the output, I receive the textual description of the object, instead I am only getting the string above (Out[4]). I've also tried using a jpg stored locally, but with the same results. Note:! As this is run in a command line interface, there is no way to see any graphical image...
Am I doing something wrong ?
Thanks in advance!