Please have a look to "" to find more informmation about Volterra Integral Equation of the Second Kind. Your answer is appreciated Thanks Jabir
Unrelated post about ContourPlot was moved to its own discussion,
Thank you very much . Your reply means that there is no such a code that can be found in any of the public resources. Jabir
Depends on what you mean by "such code". There is considerable code for numerically solving such integral equations at the links I provided in an earlier response.
There is some amount of code floating about on StackExchange.
Many thanks for the note. I am looking for the professional code that build in WolframAlpha.Please have a look to "" . Your helpful answer is appreciated Thanks Jabir
That link is to MathWorld. It is unrelated to Wolfram|Alpha. There is no integral equation solver built into that latter.
Have a look at the website
Hello, Is it possible to have contourPlot with Logarithmatic scale on X-AXIS. I mean, somthing like Log ContourPlot with x-axis. Thanks in advanced for the help. Regards jabir