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About integer partitions

Posted 10 years ago


I'm currently trying to understand a paper written by Paul Erdös, dealing with integer partitions (a partition of the integer n is a way of writing n as a sum of positive integers). Thus we denote by p(n) the number of partitions of n, without taking order into account (e.g. p(4) = 5).

This is all you need to know to help me understand Erdös' proof of the fact that ln(p(n)) is equivalent to c*n^(1/2), where c is defined at the top of the paper. I have understood the first part of the proof (if you need a detailed explanation I can give it to you), but I'm stuck with the part where he wrote "Similarly but with slightly longer calculations...".

Any help is welcomed, thank you. (I'm giving you the links below)

POSTED BY: Léo Poirel
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