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Rearrange equation with mathematica s.t. variable only in denominator?

Posted 10 years ago

Hej all,

I am struggling with an equation which I would like to rearrange so that the variable is in the denominator only. I tried combinations of many possible ways to put expression in different forms but nothing worked out so far.

Is there any possibility to tell mathematica to do it? (file attached)

Thanks in advance. I would be very happy if you have an idea how to solve this

Best, Chris

POSTED BY: Chris Roof
6 Replies

How about

d = Denominator[f[x]];
Map[Inactive[Divide][#/x^Exponent[#, x], d/x^Exponent[#, x]] &, 
 Collect[d*f[x], x]]

It uses Inactive of Mathematica 10 to avoid re-arrangements of numerators and denominators.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 10 years ago

Hi all,

thanks for your help. I did not manage to solve the problem in the way I wanted and did it manually. Additionally I solved it with mathematica as shown in the picture.enter image description here

Best Chris

POSTED BY: Chris Roof

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Simon Cadrin
Posted 10 years ago

Consider that the function has a zero, and that any "rearrangement" that expresses the same function must also exhibit this zero. If, in the new expression, x does not appear in the numerator, then the only way for the function to provide the zero, at least as a limit, is for the denominator to go to infinity. But the only way to do that with finite values for x is for a term of the denominator to itself be rational and to contain x in its denominator.

But this is not really different from the clearly unwanted solution where num/denom is rewritten as 1/(num^-1 denom), which is trivial and I think misses the point.

POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 10 years ago

Hi Okkes,

thanks for looking at it and the manipulations. As you said - there is still the variable in the numerator ... For the spacing: I adjusted the previous file in order to be clearer.

Any further ideas or how can I check if it is even possible (or if I am wasting my time ...)

Best Chris

POSTED BY: Chris Roof
Posted 10 years ago

you forgot to put space between some variable.. I tried it didnot work.

POSTED BY: Okkes Dulgerci
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