Type Ctrl + = and then type "Capital of Japan". Mathematica will convert this into code for you. The result is:
CountryData["Japan", "CapitalCity"]
This is how you access the capital of a city. The predictive Interface (the bar below the results) will have a button for "Coordinates". This shows you how to get the coordinates:
CityData["Tokyo", "Coordinates"]
Putting these together you get:
CityData[CountryData["Japan", "CapitalCity"], "Coordinates"]
You can use this in your code instead of (CountryData[#, "CenterCoordinates"] &)
Some of the data is missing for various reasons. Maybe a country doesn't have a defined capital for some reason. You'll need to remove the missing cases. Overall, you want to redefined centers as:
centers =
Map[CityData[CountryData[#, "CapitalCity"], "Coordinates"] &,
places] /. GeoPosition -> Identity, {Missing["NotAvailable"],
You'll probably want to rename "centers" to something like "capitals" in the code as well.