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Wolfram Mathematica: ListPlot3D to SphericalPlot3D

Posted 10 years ago

Hello! There is a problem with Mathematica: i calculate an integral with a help of NIntegrate and get the whole list of spherical coordinates, like {6.24, 3.14, 0.323488}, {6.26, 3.14, 0.323488}, {6.28, 3.14, 0.323488} and so on... then i create a list, like data = List[{6.24, 3.14, 0.323488}, {6.26, 3.14, 0.323488}, {6.28, 3.14, 0.323488}]; and plot a ListPlot3D[data]. So the result is: enter image description here

The problem is: how to create a SphericalPlot3D /Point Plot/, having the list of spherical coordinates? Thank you!

POSTED BY: Vasily Sukharev
7 Replies

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Simon Cadrin
Posted 10 years ago

SphericalPlot3D plots a surface given as a functional definition r(theta,phi). It does not accept a list of points. ListPointPlot3D and ListSurfacePlot3D both accept a list of points in Cartesian coordinates. ListSurfacePlot3D attempts to construct and plot a surface, assuming the points define a surface. ListPointPlot3D plots a point cloud in 3D. Either of these could be used to visualize your set of points in 3-space, once the spherical coordinates were converted to Cartesian. Perhaps you could post your code in a code block so the list of points can be constructed?

POSTED BY: David Keith

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Simon Cadrin
Posted 10 years ago


POSTED BY: Vasily Sukharev
Posted 10 years ago

You might transform your coordinate list with FromSphericalCoordinates or CoordinateTransform to Cartesian coordinates and then use ListPointPlot3D or ListSurfacePlot3D.

POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 10 years ago

Thank you, but i need to use my spherical coordinates in a SphericalPlot3D. What benefits does the transformation to Cartesian coordinates have?

POSTED BY: Vasily Sukharev

Hi Vasily,

Edit: removed post.


POSTED BY: Eric Johnstone
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