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How Can I Change the Alignment of Histogram Bin Tick Labels?

Posted 10 years ago

I'm building a Histogram that will eventually have integer data that looks approximately like this (but not generated randomly):

data = RandomInteger[{1, 5}, 100];


enter image description here

I want the X-axis labels to be centred under the bin bars, because, for example, that first left-hand bar really is the count of 1's; there are no values between 1 and 2, and, looking to the right-hand side, there certainly are no values of 6.

How can I align the X-axis tick labels so they are centred under each bar?

Thanks in advance


POSTED BY: Brad Varey
6 Replies
Posted 10 years ago


That is absolutely perfect!

Thanks very much,


POSTED BY: Brad Varey
Posted 10 years ago

How about this:

data = RandomInteger[{1, 5}, 100];
Histogram[data, {0.5, Max[data] + 0.5, 1}, 
 Ticks -> {Table[x, {x, Min[data], Max[data], 1}], Automatic}]


POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
Posted 10 years ago

Hi Jos,

Thanks for this. But your solution deals with labels, not tick mark labels. Going back to my histogram, if you look at how the left-most bar is labelled below the x-axis, you'll see the values 1 and 2 are aligned with the very edges of the bar. But that first bar is a count of 1's (the data is all integers. So the number 1 should align with the middle of the bar.

Put another way, I want the whole of the x-axis labelling shifted half a bar width to the right, and I want to drop the 6, because there are no values of 6 in my dataset.

The other thing your solution does is affix the value as the label, not the bin from which it comes. So by implying your solution, effectively I am positioning the y-values, not the x-values, on my chart.

POSTED BY: Brad Varey

Hi Brad,

I assume shifting the mark label in hystogram is not possible. That's why I always play around with the Barchart labels for this type of plots. Sorry I can't help further.

I suggest that this question should be answered by the Wolfram Support Team.

Good luck........Jos

POSTED BY: Jos Klaps
Posted 10 years ago

Sorry, it appears my histogram got mangled in my earlier post. It appears...


POSTED BY: Brad Varey

Hi Brad, I hope this will help. See attached examples in file BarChart.nb.

data = RandomInteger[{1, 5}, 5];
 , ChartElementFunction -> "GlassRectangle"
 , LabelingFunction -> (Placed[# "%", Center] &)
 , ChartLabels -> {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}
 , PlotRange -> {Automatic, 6}
 , Joined -> Automatic
 , PlotLabel -> Style["Test [%]", "Title", 20]
 , BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Arial", FontWeight -> "Bold", 
   FontSize -> 11}
 , ChartStyle -> 45]
POSTED BY: Jos Klaps
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