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Connect 2 Pi's with a router / parallelcomputing

Posted 10 years ago

I want to play a bit with parallelcomputing...:

I have two Pi's, one via cable at my router, the other one connected with Wlan...what do I need to do, to get access to the second Pi inside Mathematica?

The 'slave' has installed Raspbian and 'wolfram'(command-line only, but I get the same result if I autostart the complete Wolfram-notebook with 'mathematica') is autostarted - but what next?

Whatever I do or setup in Mathematica on the Pi that I use, it outputs

The kernel New Kernel failed to connect to the front end. (Error = MLECONNECT). You should try running the kernel connection outside the front end.

at startup....can someone explain a noob please what to do, to get access to the 'kernels' of the second Pi for more evaluating-power?

I already added a new kernel and have set the Ip my router shows as machine name in its properties. But what to do with all the other options there exactly?

POSTED BY: Michael Steffen
4 Replies

Does anyone know if it is possible to get the 'Lightweight Grid Manager' for the Raspberry?

POSTED BY: Michael Steffen
Posted 10 years ago

Both Pi? were connected to one Router (FritzBox), Pi 1 with wlan and Pi 2 with a cable. But I stopped my tryings, cause it looks like I can't use more than 4 kernels with my free-license anyway.

POSTED BY: Michael Steffen

IF there is no ping respond, then need to troubleshoot the network first. What do you mean the second connected by Wland? I am assuming that you have a router with a wireless access point. Is this your case?

How is the Pi doing the wireless connection? Did you verify access to the internet from the Pi connected to the router wireless access point?

One common mistake is to connect both devices using a separate wireless router. In order for pne Pi to see the second Pi, both have to me connected to the same Local Network. The router must have internal Wireless service or connect using an "ACCESS POINT" . Using a second router with a wireless connection will not allow pinging resolution between the two Pi's because there are on separate networks.

POSTED BY: Jose Calderon
Posted 10 years ago

I am now able to ping the second pi, I can open wolfram through commandline with
"ssh pi@192.... wolfram' - but I am still not able to get its kernel run inside Mathematica...

Any ideas how to correct setup kernel-properties? 'Basic options'+remote and entering its Ip as hostname always gives me

The kernel New Kernel failed to connect to the front end. (Error = MLECONNECT). You should try running the kernel connection outside the front end.

when trying to start its kernel.

POSTED BY: Michael Steffen
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