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Numerical Integration

Given the following data, data1={{x1, y1},{x2, y2},{x3, y3},{x4, y4},............{xn, yn}} How do integrate data1 to get Nintegrate[data1] = {{x1, y1?},{x2, y2?},{x3, y3?},{x4, y4?},............{xn, yn?}}

14 Replies

Press et al in Numerical Recipes in C recommend Romberg Integration, which uses Neville's algorithm, a form of polynomial interpolation. Whether or not that gives the same result as integrating an interpolating function is not known to me.

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
In[13]:= data = Thread[{Range[5], Range[5]^2}]

Out[13]= {{1, 1}, {2, 4}, {3, 9}, {4, 16}, {5, 25}}

In[14]:= Integrate[x^2, {x, 1, 5}]

Out[14]= 124/3

In[15]:= i = Interpolation[data, InterpolationOrder -> 2];

In[16]:= Integrate[i[x], {x, 1, 5}]

Out[16]= 124/3

In[17]:= Most[data[[All, 2]]].Differences[data[[All, 1]]]

Out[17]= 30
POSTED BY: Frank Kampas

The code implements a riemann sum and can be approximated by a 0 order Interpolation in your code.

You can get the upper riemann sum by using:

Rest[data[[All, 2]]].Differences[data[[All, 1]]]
POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

Integration is an operation applied to functions, not data points. That's why various approximations were suggested.

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas

Integration is an operation applied to functions, not data points. That's why various approximations were suggested.

There are proper numerical methods for integrating data points. You don't begin by arbitrarily approximating the function and then integrating it.

In general, you don't do an interpolation of the data and then symbolically integrate it. The basic ones are not obscure. The basic ones (Upper and Lower Riemann, trapizoid rule, Simpsons rule) are highschool AP Calculus Topics.

In the case above, a linear interpolation correspondes to the trapezoid rule. Still, it is preferable to use the trapezoid rule directly rather than using a linear interpolation. Even if they are symbolically the same, with floating point numbers, they may not be.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

Depends on what integration scheme you want.

Here is how you can briefly implement euler:

data = {{x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, {x3, y3}, {x4, y4}}

Most[data[[All, 2]]].Differences[data[[All, 1]]]

(-x1 + x2) y1 + (-x2 + x3) y2 + (-x3 + x4) y3
POSTED BY: Sean Clarke


could you expand; I'm looking for a result like

   Nintegrate[data1] = {{x1, y1?},{x2, y2?},{x3, y3?},{x4, y4?},............{xn, yn?}}

    not (-x1 + x2) y1 + (-x2 + x3) y2 + (-x3 + x4) y3

Do you want a riemann summation? Do you want to use simpson's rule?

I can't really answer your question without an answer. What numerical method do you want to implement?

Here is the riemann sum from the previous post.

yIntegrated = Accumulate[Most[data[[All, 2]]]*Differences[data[[All, 1]]]]

Transpose[{Rest@data[[All, 1]], yIntegrated}]

x2     (-x1+x2) y1
x3     (-x1+x2) y1+(-x2+x3) y2
x4     (-x1+x2) y1+(-x2+x3) y2+(-x3+x4) y3

Do those values look good? It returns the values in the list like you mentioned.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

Using an interpolation data as high as 8 can lead to problems if there is noise in the data.

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas

In general, Interpolating and then using NIntegrate is a really bad idea.

It can be used for some back of the napkin calculations and works fine in some simple cases. But it really shouldn't be used.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

Example data.

enter image description here

data1 = Table[{x, Sin[5 x] + x^2 - x}, {x, 0, 2, 0.1}]

(*{{0., 0.}, {0.1, 0.389426}, {0.2, 0.681471}, {0.3, 0.787495}, {0.4, 
  0.669297}, {0.5, 
  0.348472}, {0.6, -0.09888}, {0.7, -0.560783}, {0.8, -0.916802}, \
{0.9, -1.06753}, {1., -0.958924}, {1.1, -0.59554}, {1.2, -0.0394155}, \
{1.3, 0.60512}, {1.4, 1.21699}, {1.5, 1.688}, {1.6, 1.94936}, {1.7, 
  1.98849}, {1.8, 1.85212}, {1.9, 1.63485}, {2., 1.45598}}*)

Then Integrate data1

SS = Integrate[Interpolation[data1, InterpolationOrder -> 8][x], x];
m = 0.1; Sol = Table[{x, SS}, {x, 0, 2, m}]

(*{{0., 0.}, {0.1, 0.0198172}, {0.2, 0.0746065}, {0.3, 0.149853}, {0.4, 
  0.224563}, {0.5, 0.276896}, {0.6, 0.289999}, {0.7, 0.256625}, {0.8, 
  0.181395}, {0.9, 
  0.0801592}, {1., -0.023399}, {1.1, -0.103067}, {1.2, -0.136034}, \
 {1.3, -0.107984}, {1.4, -0.0161135}, {1.5, 0.130673}, {1.6, 
  0.314434}, {1.7, 0.513069}, {1.8, 0.706226}, {1.9, 0.880768}, {2., 

You can change "m" and "InterpolationOrder".


{NIntegrate[Sin[5 x] + x^2 - x, {x, 0, 2}], 
 NIntegrate[Interpolation[data1, InterpolationOrder -> 8][x], {x, 0, 2}]}
(*{1.03448, 1.03448}*)
POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk


Thanks! I have questions 1. Data1 could be my data? 2. why the asterisks {{{ .............}}} are they needed?


Questions: 1.Yes. 2.You don't need them.They are marked as comments. (* "text" *)

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk

You could fit an interpolating function to the data and integrate it.

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
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