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Using Petri Net logic in control via Arduino - discrete event/hybrid system

Posted 10 years ago

Hello, I would like to make a bigger university project with Arduino. You can see the scheme here:


I would like to control the system using Petri Net logic. Petri Nets should be vizualized on the PC. PC is connected to Arduino and controlled system is connected to Arduino of course. Controlled system would be of discrete event or hybrid character.

This is good example: Scheme

You can see that the places of Petri net are connected to actuator. So when the token is in the place - the actuator turn on. So in our case - when the token is in the place - the specific pin on Arduino or function is executed.

I think that this is possile to do with ModelPlug library. (Or do you have better idea?)

The problem is that SystemModeler does not have Petri net Library. There is PNlib library for Dymola and OpenModelica -

But in SystemModeler it produces for example this error:

Building "PNlib.Examples.ConTest.Speed" as experiment "Speed 1" started at 14:29:23
Error: [:0:0-0:0]Error occurred while flattening model PNlib.Examples.ConTest.Speed
Error: [C:/Users/erikn_000/Documents/PNlib-1.1/PNlib/Blocks/]Failed to elaborate expression: enablingProb[remTAout[1:nremTAout]].
Warning: [:0:0-0:0]In component P2.enableOut, in relation arcWeightSum == 0.0,  ==  on Real numbers is only allowed inside functions.
Warning: [:0:0-0:0]In component P2.enableIn, in relation arcWeight[i] == 0.0,  ==  on Real numbers is only allowed inside functions.
Warning: [:0:0-0:0]In component P2.enableIn, in relation arcWeightSum == 0.0,  ==  on Real numbers is only allowed inside functions.
Warning: [:0:0-0:0]In component P1.enableOut, in relation arcWeight[i] == 0.0,  ==  on Real numbers is only allowed inside functions.
Warning: [:0:0-0:0]In component P1.enableOut, in relation arcWeightSum == 0.0,  ==  on Real numbers is only allowed inside functions.
Warning: [:0:0-0:0]In component P1.enableIn, in relation arcWeight[i] == 0.0,  ==  on Real numbers is only allowed inside functions.
Warning: [:0:0-0:0]In component P1.enableIn, in relation arcWeightSum == 0.0,  ==  on Real numbers is only allowed inside functions.
Error: No executable generated C:/Users/ERIKN_~1/AppData/Local/Temp/sme.4.0.1_1440332963_41.exe
Error: No settings file generated C:/Users/ERIKN_~1/AppData/Local/Temp/sme.4.0.1_1440332963_41_init.sim

Do you have any ideas how to complete my project? Do you think that it is possible to relative simply fix this PNlib library? Thank you very much!

POSTED BY: Tibor Doma
11 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

Unfortunately System Modeler version 4.2 shows an error with this updated version of PNlib when we run example ConTest.SingleTc . Version 4.0.1 is Ok. Do you have an idea how to show an extended log for this error?


POSTED BY: Tibor Doma
Posted 9 years ago

My team fixed some errors. Systemmodeler cannot handle operators 'not', 'and' and 'or' for boolean arrays. Solution is quite simple, you just have to substitute all occurrence of mentioned operators with functions, e.g: replace:

disTAout:=TAout and disTransition;
disTAout := Functions.ArrayUtils.arrayAnd(TAout, disTransition);

Here are new implemented functions:

within PNlib.Functions.ArrayUtils;
function arrayAnd "n-ary boolean AND"
  input Boolean b1[:];
  input Boolean b2[:];
  output Boolean res[size(b1, 1)];
  for i in 1:size(b1, 1) loop
    res[i] := b1[i] and b2[i];
  end for;
  annotation(Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-148.5, -105}, {148.5, 105}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {5, 5})));
end arrayAnd;
within PNlib.Functions.ArrayUtils;
function arrayNot "n-ary boolean NOT"
  input Boolean b[:];
  output Boolean res[size(b, 1)];
  for i in 1:size(b, 1) loop
    res[i] := not b[i];
  end for;
  annotation(Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-148.5, -105}, {148.5, 105}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {5, 5})));
end arrayNot;
within PNlib.Functions.ArrayUtils;
function arrayOr "n-ary boolean OR"
  input Boolean b1[:];
  input Boolean b2[:];
  output Boolean res[size(b1, 1)];
  for i in 1:size(b1, 1) loop
    res[i] := b1[i] or b2[i];
  end for;
  annotation(Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-148.5, -105}, {148.5, 105}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {5, 5})));
end arrayOr;

POSTED BY: Tibor Doma
Posted 9 years ago

I am receiving similar error also with 4.2 version and Visual Studio 2015 compiler. Where should I start to search the error? Thank you for your answer.

POSTED BY: Tibor Doma

Is this the problem that you still see?

sme.4.1.0_1441279965_15636.cpp(661) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441279965_15636.cpp(724) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 

If soo, I guess it's the code generation that has problem with an applying not to an array of booleans, you could try to replace it with the following Modelica function to avoid the problem.

function arrayNot
  input Boolean b[:];
  output Boolean res[size(b, 1)];
  for i in 1:size(b,1) loop
    res[i] := not b[i];
  end for;

end arrayNot;
POSTED BY: Otto Tronarp
Posted 9 years ago

I tried also very model and there is an error, too:

Building "PNlib.Examples.ConTest.SingleTC" as experiment "SingleTC 1" started at 13:32:45 
Error: [:0:0-0:0]Error building simulator. Build log:  
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 x86 tools. 

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 10.00.30319.01 
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

"cl"  /MT /EHa    /I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfram Research\SystemModeler 4.1\include"  /I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfram Research\SystemModeler 4.1\include\platform\win32\VS2010"  /I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfram Research\SystemModeler 4.1\include\fmil"  /I"E:/PNlib-master-upr/PNlib/Examples/ConTest"  sme.4.1.0_1441279965_15636.cpp /link  /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfram Research\SystemModeler 4.1\lib\win32\VS2010"  /LIBPATH:"E:\PNlib-master-upr\PNlib\Examples\ConTest"  sim.lib c_runtime.lib mmcom.lib lapack.lib superlu_4.3.lib blas.lib f2c.lib c_common.lib expat.lib sundials_cvodes.lib sundials_kinsol.lib sundials_nvecserial.lib fmi1_import_runtime.lib fmi2_import_runtime.lib fmilib.lib modelicautil.lib winmm.lib wsock32.lib user32.lib shlwapi.lib /OUT:"sme.4.1.0_1441279965_15636.exe" 
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 16.00.30319.01 for 80x86 
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

sme.4.1.0_1441279965_15636.cpp(661) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441279965_15636.cpp(724) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\BIN\cl.EXE"' : return code '0x2' 

Error: No executable generated C:/Users/Erik/AppData/Local/Temp/sme.4.1.0_1441279965_15636.exe

Do you think it is compiler or library related error?

POSTED BY: Tibor Doma
Posted 9 years ago

One of the creators of PNlib solved this error by this:

Original Statement:

sumEnablingProbTAout := sum(enablingProb[remTAout[1:nremTAout]]);  //enabling probability sum of all active output transitions

Substituted statement:

sumEnablingProbTAout := 0;

for i in 1:nremTAout loop

  temp_j := remTAout[i];

  sumEnablingProbTAout := sumEnablingProbTAout+enablingProb[temp_j];  //enabling probability sum of all active output transitions

end for;

Now I have error (model checking runs OK):

Building "PNlib.Examples.ConTest.Speed" as experiment "Speed 1" started at 15:21:00 
Error: [:0:0-0:0]Error building simulator. Build log:  
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 x86 tools. 

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 10.00.30319.01 
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

"cl"  /MT /EHa    /I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfram Research\SystemModeler 4.1\include"  /I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfram Research\SystemModeler 4.1\include\platform\win32\VS2010"  /I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfram Research\SystemModeler 4.1\include\fmil"  /I"E:/PNlib-master-upr/PNlib/Examples/ConTest"  sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp /link  /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfram Research\SystemModeler 4.1\lib\win32\VS2010"  /LIBPATH:"E:\PNlib-master-upr\PNlib\Examples\ConTest"  sim.lib c_runtime.lib mmcom.lib lapack.lib superlu_4.3.lib blas.lib f2c.lib c_common.lib expat.lib sundials_cvodes.lib sundials_kinsol.lib sundials_nvecserial.lib fmi1_import_runtime.lib fmi2_import_runtime.lib fmilib.lib modelicautil.lib winmm.lib wsock32.lib user32.lib shlwapi.lib /OUT:"sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.exe" 
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 16.00.30319.01 for 80x86 
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(2653) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(2692) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(3983) : error C2065: '$$P2$_enableOut$_cumEnablingProb$B1$b' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(3992) : error C2065: '$$P2$_enableOut$_cumEnablingProb' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4028) : error C2065: '$$P2$_enableOut$_TEout' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4053) : error C2065: '$$P2$_enableOut$_cumEnablingProb$B1$b' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4062) : error C2065: '$$P2$_enableOut$_cumEnablingProb' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4072) : error C2065: '$$P2$_enableOut$_cumEnablingProb' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4218) : error C2676: binary '&&' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4227) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4304) : error C2676: binary '&&' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4313) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4441) : error C2676: binary '&&' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4455) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4624) : error C2676: binary '&&' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4906) : error C2676: binary '&&' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(4909) : error C2676: binary '&&' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5007) : error C2676: binary '&&' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5021) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5198) : error C2676: binary '&&' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5207) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5311) : error C2676: binary '&&' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5325) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5494) : error C2676: binary '&&' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5758) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5761) : error C2065: '$i1_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5765) : error C2065: '$i3_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5770) : error C2065: '$i18_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5770) : error C2065: '$i18_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5770) : error C2065: '$i18_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5770) : error C2065: '$i18_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5770) : error C2065: '$i18_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5770) : error C2065: '$i18_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5770) : error C2065: '$i18_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5770) : error C2065: '$i18_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5770) : error C2065: '$i18_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5773) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5773) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5773) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5773) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5773) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5773) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5773) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5773) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5773) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5776) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5776) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5776) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5776) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5776) : error C2065: '$i17_i' : undeclared identifier 
sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.cpp(5776) : fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 100; stopping compilation 
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\BIN\cl.EXE"' : return code '0x2' 

Error: No executable generated C:/Users/Erik/AppData/Local/Temp/sme.4.1.0_1441113660_15724.exe
POSTED BY: Tibor Doma

So it seems to be more problems with that library and SystemModeler, I'm sorry but I don't have a good workaround for that.

POSTED BY: Otto Tronarp
Posted 10 years ago
Error: [:0:0-0:0]Error occurred while flattening model PNlib.Examples.ConTest.Speed
Error: [C:/Users/erikn_000/Documents/PNlib-master/PNlib/Blocks/]Failed to elaborate expression: enablingProb[remTAout[1:nremTAout]].

Thank you, I used the most recent version directly from GitHub. Now I am receiving this error.

POSTED BY: Tibor Doma

Try again with a clone of the source from github (i.e. not the 1.1 release), that particular error seems to be fixed a couple of months ago: Fix == on Real numbers (it's a modelling error it's not allowed todo == on Reals in Modelica outside of functions).

POSTED BY: Otto Tronarp
Posted 10 years ago

Thank you for your answer. PNlib is much better because it supports hybrid Petri nets with discrete and continuous places (transitions). This is quite important for my research project.

POSTED BY: Tibor Doma
Posted 10 years ago


I haven't looked at the PNlib in detail. Is this library necessary or could you use the StateGraph library?

POSTED BY: Johan Rhodin
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