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Can one specify the color of Inactive symbols?

Posted 9 years ago

The new Inactive, Inactivate and Activate routines in Mathematica 10 are extremely nice. But they have one shortcoming in my view. The coloring of the inactive functions is far too light. I would like to specify the color of such symbols, and in fact often make them a normal black or at least a darker shade. Is there a way to do this? Is there a control in the general Preferences?

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I did find an answer to my question. One can change the style by using a private style sheet and adding the Local definition for style "Inactive" from the Core style sheet. (You have to dig down through the Default style sheet to get the Core style sheet.) THe following changes it to Black.

 FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 0]]

But still I wanted a darker style in Help pages I'm writing in Workbench. I do think the default "Inactive" style should be a darker color.

Nothing that I can see in the options inspector.

It looks like the preferences dialog (edit > preferences) or (Mathematica > preferences) probably should have something for this. I've forwarded a suggestion to the developers, so they can consider this for a future version.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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